Shortest travel time:
2 h 5 m
Longest travel time:
2 h 15 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
Belfast train stations
Lanyon Place Station
East Bridge St, Belfast, United Kingdom
Europa Buscentre
Belfast BT12 5AG, Belfast, United Kingdom
Glengall Street Bus Stop
Glengall Street, Belfast, United Kingdom
180 km
Dublin train stations
Connolly station
1 Amiens St, North Dock, Dublin, Ireland
Heuston station
St John's Rd W, Dublin, Ireland
Busaras Bus Station
North Dock, Dublin, Ireland
Custom House Quay Bus Stop
North Dock, Dublin 1, Dublin, United Kingdom

Belfast to Dublin Train Information

The many-sided culture and breathtaking natural heritage of Northern Ireland and its neighboring country attract travelers from all corners of the planet. Offering a smooth 2-hour connection between Belfast and Dublin, trains are one of the best ways to travel from one city to another and also appreciate the beauty of Irish landscapes during the ride. In general, there are around seven daily departures in the schedule to choose from. Using Rail Ninja, you can find more information about the route, browse timetables, and purchase your train tickets from Belfast to Dublin.
Explore the whole variety of Ireland travel destinations with Triptile. Choose among the most amazing attractions and vacation spots and plan your Ireland trip within a few clicks!

What is the distance between Belfast and Dublin by train?

The train distance from Belfast to Dublin is approximately 160 kilometers. Travel times may vary based on the specific train service and chosen route.

How long does the train journey take from Belfast to Dublin?

The train journey from Belfast to Dublin typically takes around 2 hours, depending on the specific train service and any stops along the route.

How can I book train tickets for the Belfast to Dublin route?

Booking train tickets from Belfast to Dublin is convenient and can be done through various channels, including the official railway website, at the train station, or using reputable online booking platforms. Ensure to check for availability, schedules, and class options for a smooth booking experience.


Belfast to Dublin Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
2 hrs 5 min
2 hrs 10 min
Afternoon trains
2 hrs 7 min
2 hrs 15 min
Evening trains
2 hrs 10 min
2 hrs 10 min

Trains on Belfast - Dublin Route

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Express train
2 hrs 5 min
8.8 / 10 based on 56 reviews

Belfast to Dublin Train Review & Rating

The seats were nice and the views were wonderful

Heather L. about traveling from Belfast to Dublin